• painted miniatures by Julianne

    Anima Tactics: Sister Evangeline

    Came 4th in Single Figure at GenCon 2012
    Came 2nd in Anima Tactics at GenCon  2012

    Sister Evangeline is found in the Anima Tactics: Light Starter set. For the longest time, I was going to do an elaborate pattern on the back of her skirt, since all that cloth was screaming for freehand. In the end, I thought the simplicity of the model was best and contented myself with the pattern on her red underskirt.

    The way her hair whips off to the side evoked a very lonely memory of a windy autumn day.

    Apparently, one of the judges at GenCon thought the external lighting was wrong when judging the model and kept turning it to get a better look, unawares of the subtle OSL glow :) I count that as a win.



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