I've been working on a commission for four large Daemons. Two of them were quite old and needed a lot of prep work; one - Be'Lakor - was a really bad cast, shame on you Forge World. Lots of bubbles in the model, especially on the edges of pointy protrusions. It was a real pain to get it pristine. But here they are in their glory:
All four: The Great Unclean One Nurgle Greater Daemon, Be'Lakor, Chaos Greater Daemon (I think), and Azazel, Prince of Damnation |
The gap filling for the Chaos Daemon. His wings were not a perfect fit, so I had to dig out a sponge to replicate the fur effects |
Chaos guy again, showing the arm, waist and head gap filling |
Azazel's filling. He was considerably easier. |
Azazel on the side |
Be'Lakor gap filling. His leg here didn't fit nicely into his torso so I had to bridge the gap substantially. |
The Great Unclean One came already pre-assembled, but with nasty crusty superglue everywhere. I had to scrape off the glue and then proceeded to fill in the gaps everywhere. |
This took me many episodes of TNG to finish :)
The Crew after priming |
As disgusted as I am, I decided to start work on The Great Unclean One. If you visit my Pinterest page, you can get an idea of the search windows I went through for reference. Here is where I am up to now:
Base of Reaper Pale Skin to block out some color. |
Wash of Reaper Red In to get the pocks and open wounds. Admittedly, it looks kinda cool like this. |
With all the ones I could find, I filled the wounds with Reaper Deep Red. This was to act as the base and liner |
Began to fill in some of the wounds. I started with a base of Reaper Blood Red, a highlight of Reaper Bright Coral, and a final highlight touch of Reaper Rosy Skin. A small wash of the Red Ink went back into the crevices for some. |
Pinterest page shows the inspiration/references I will be using for these Daemons.