• painted miniatures by Julianne

    WIP: Azazel

    So I started on Azazel. He's described as having black hair, swan-like wings, and porcelain-like skin. Using that as inspiration, I started looking around, but I kept being drawn to albinism as a colour scheme.

    Starting with the skin, I aimed for a cool blue-ish white to start, and then did a pink glaze:

     I decided to make his feet a dark colour, to highlight the bird aspects I see in his design. It was also so that the dark claw wouldn't stand out too much :).

    I also worked on the bone spurs and the scales, but with a stronger feeling of pink

    With the scales, I started by outlining each with a dark grey:

    cleaned it up a bit

    layered on the shadow and highlights

    and added some more pink for depth (not shown). Did the same to the tail:

    And that's where I am!



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