• painted miniatures by Julianne

    WIP - Greater Demons and Princes - Games Workshop

    I've been working on a commission for four large Daemons. Two of them were quite old and needed a lot of prep work; one - Be'Lakor - was a really bad cast, shame on you Forge World. Lots of bubbles in the model, especially on the edges of pointy protrusions. It was a real pain to get it pristine. But here they are in their glory:

    All four: The Great Unclean One Nurgle Greater Daemon, Be'Lakor, Chaos Greater Daemon (I think), and Azazel, Prince of Damnation

    The gap filling for the Chaos Daemon. His wings were not a perfect fit, so I had to dig out a sponge to replicate the fur effects

    Chaos guy again, showing the arm, waist and head gap filling

    Azazel's filling. He was considerably easier.

    Azazel on the side

    Be'Lakor gap filling. His leg here didn't fit nicely into his torso so I had to bridge the gap substantially.

    The Great Unclean One came already pre-assembled, but with nasty crusty superglue everywhere. I had to scrape off the glue and then proceeded to fill in the gaps everywhere.
    This took me many episodes of TNG to finish :)

    The Crew after priming

    As disgusted as I am, I decided to start work on The Great Unclean One. If you visit my Pinterest page, you can get an idea of the search windows I went through for reference. Here is where I am up to now:
    Base of Reaper Pale Skin to block out some color.

    Wash of Reaper Red In to get the pocks and open wounds. Admittedly, it looks kinda cool like this.

    With all the ones I could find, I filled the wounds with Reaper Deep Red. This was to act as the base and liner

    Began to fill in some of the wounds. I started with a base of Reaper Blood Red, a highlight of Reaper Bright Coral, and a final highlight touch of Reaper Rosy Skin. A small wash of the Red Ink went back into the crevices for some.

    My Pinterest page shows the inspiration/references I will be using for these Daemons.



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